Fitness tips from Kris Kranzky

Fitness tipsKris Kranzky, my personal trainer at The Boston Sports Club in the South End, shared his typical weekly workout regimen in last week’s fitness tips posting.

Kris has recently modified that routine to get into shape for two hockey tournaments next month by adding different workouts that focus more on power and explosive movements.

If you are looking to add variety into your routine, consider including sports specific exercises including olympic lifts, cleans, snatches, deadlifts, squats, plyometrics and quick feet drills.  Ask trainers at your local gym for suggestions or advice.  You can also use YouTube to watch demonstrations and to give you ideas on how to include new routines into your work out regimen.

One response to “Fitness tips from Kris Kranzky

  1. Surfing is another sport which provides fitness to your body along to solve cardiovascular problems.

