I miss Florianopolis

BosGuyHere is a photo of my partner and me on vacation earlier this month in Florianopolis Brazil.  I’ve been writing about the vacation not only to share with people who peruse this site but as a way to relive the time there.  This is a photograph of the two of us on Praia Mole (Mole Beach).

5 responses to “I miss Florianopolis

  1. Florianopolis is now considered a major gay destination in Brazil, I love this place. however, feels more like a collection of towns, thanks to its 42 beaches, natural beauty, and outdoor activities


  2. love the matching bathing suits… 🙂


  3. Very Hot!


  4. Sexy men! Hot bodies!!


  5. WOOF!! Oh, and the scenery is pretty too. 🙂

