Cell phone chicken

Cell Phone ChickenThis image has been making the rounds on Facebook so I thought I’d share it.  Planning on going to dinner with friends later this week? Perhaps you’d like to introduce them to what I’m now calling “Cell Phone Chicken”… Just like the childhood game played on bikes – the first to make a move is the chicken.  The brilliant thing about this game is it need not just be played at a restaurant.

4 responses to “Cell phone chicken

  1. A complete pet peeve of mine – why bother going out with friends if you’re going to be constantly checking your phone?!


  2. love it. We should make a few of our close friends do the same thing. They know who they are 🙂


  3. I fully support this.


  4. Oh, I’m a master at the wait. Someone gonna have to get their phone off the table before me.

