Struggles with the gym

absI’ve been struggling to get to the gym since returning from my Brazil trip in early December.  The colder weather, early sunsets and all the holiday parties made it easy to skip the gym. Fortunately, my trainer has been good about making sure that we regularly meet up… that is until this week when my work schedule left me with no time for gym time.

I half wondered if people would hear the huge thumping sound of my fat ass falling off the proverbial wagon.  I really dislike it when I fall out of my gym routine, but I only have myself to blame for it.  Knowing that I’m heading to Puerto Rico at the end of this month has lit a fire under that fat ass of mine so I’m looking forward to my date with my trainer tomorrow.

4 responses to “Struggles with the gym

  1. Don’t be too harsh on yourself. You can amend the situation since you recognise the problem. 🙂


  2. I’ve been having trouble getting to the gym since 2004.


  3. Amen, Mark.


  4. I’ve been having trouble getting to the gym since June. 😉

