Vintage gay

George Dyer and Francis Bacon

George Dyer and Francis Bacon on the Orient Express in 1965

Francis Bacon met George Dyer in 1964 when the younger man burgled the artist’s apartment. Dyer was impressed by Bacon’s self-confidence and artistic success, and Bacon acted as a protector and father figure to the insecure younger man until Dyer’s suicide in 1971.  Bacon continued to paint Dyer for some years after, including works that are among the artist’s most famous: his black triptychs painted in 1972-74.

Previous Vintage Gay Photos

I dedicate this weekly post, featuring vintage gay photographs, to the men and women who lived in a more critical time where being true to yourself and loving who you want wasn’t always an option and came at a great price. Do you have a photo you would like to share for a future post? Email me at
