How Privileged Are You?

BuzzfeedA couple years ago BuzzFeed posted this quick and easy (unscientific – I feel like that needs to be stressed these days) quiz to determine how ‘privileged’ you are. While I don’t take these online quizzes too seriously – and I hope you don’t either – they can be a fun distraction.  This particular online quiz also made me reflect on some of the things I take for granted as well as some things that I’ve learned to either overcome or at a minimum not dwell upon.

I scored a 54 out of 100 points. The survey explains, “You’re quite privileged. You’ve had a few struggles, but overall your  life has been far easier than most. This is not a bad thing, nor is it something to be ashamed of. But you should be aware of your advantages and work to help others who don’t have them.”

I normally wouldn’t share this survey, but the final sentence, “But you should be aware of your advantages and work to help others who don’t have them.” struck a chord with me.

Much thanks to my friend, David G, for pointing out that I neglected to include a link to the survey if you’d like to give it a try. Chalk it up to the hazzards of self editing! Link here: How Privileged Are You.

3 responses to “How Privileged Are You?

  1. I scored a 23! I don’t feel like I’m a 23. In fact, I spent the latter part of my career as a nurse in a low socioeconomic neighborhood clinic, retiring only to be a caregiver for my in-laws. I was raised in a lower middle class ranching family and only experienced hardship while in college, which really shouldn’t count. I’ve traveled around the world, the last ten years with my dear MIL to Brazil and Europe. My privilege was earned and is still being enjoyed in my 60s.
    I might add that my partner and I just celebrated 30 years, the last 3 Obamarried. That helped.


  2. I received a 62% rating in how gay I am and attract yuppies as well 🙂
    I loved the question – do you ever ask anyone a question with your head to the side LOL


  3. I just took this test and received a 77

    The last line of this post resonates with me 🙂

