Vintage gay


Unfortunately the date, location and source are unknown

Enjoy this slightly naughty Christmas themed Vintage Gay photograph.

I want to dedicate this weekly post, featuring vintage gay photographs, to the men and women who lived in a more critical time where being true to yourself and loving who you want wasn’t always an option and came at a great price. Don’t believe me read up on Rock Hudson and his life (shown above).  Do you have a photo you would like to share? Email me at

Previous Vintage Gay Photos

2 responses to “Vintage gay

  1. Nude men under the Christmas Tree? Works for me!

    In spite of the fact that I love being a Happily-Recovered-Catholic, there are moments when I want to convert BACK to Catholicism, and Christmas (as well as sexy fucks in the Church) is one of those times, but I digress.


  2. Great photo!

