Men in kilts

men in kilts, men fashion, shirtless man in kiltI’m unsure what it is about the kilt but gay men have an affinity for this article of clothing so I’m creating a new weekly post showcasing men in kilts.

Let me know what you think. Do you have a photo in a kilt that you’d like me to share? Forward it to me at

Previous Men in Kilts Posts

11 responses to “Men in kilts

  1. He is VERY handsome!!!
    What does this new proposal mean?
    I don’t understand what it means


  2. Love to wear Scottish Kilt


  3. I’m not gay at all, but i am comfortable with who I am as a person, and I’ve decided to give utility kilts a go as an alternative to wearing shorts, as it’s hard to find a good pair of shorts that fit my frame. (Waist is too narrow, and legs are a bit larger). Being north of Boston on the edge of Maine and New Hampshire, it has been an interesting experience so far, wearing these as part of my wardrobe. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. itsmyhusbandandme

    Hootsmon! That’s Scottish for, well, ta dah!


  5. Holy hotness!!!


  6. Seeing him in his kilt holding the sword, makes me wonder what he might whack off me. My head or something lower down.


  7. Have you considered a “men on stilts” series?

