Some of my favorite Christmas movies

The holiday season is in full swing so I thought I’d share a few of my all-time favorite holiday films and ask if you wouldn’t mind sharing a few of your own in the comments section.

While these are in no particular order, as a child I loved the Christmas specials that would come on the television this time of year and would wait for them to come on with great anticipation. Some of my favorites included A Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, and Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.

In the 80s and 90s several movies came out that became instant favorites for me including, A Christmas Story and Home Alone. Years later the fantastically funny and enjoyable Christmas Rom-Com, Love Actually was released and became not only a favorite holiday film of mine but one of my favorite films.

Lastly listed above you’ll see the fabulous Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music. How can you not love Julie Andrews? Growing up, this would always come on television after Thanksgiving and it signified the start of the holiday season in my mind.

Notably absent from this list are any gay-themed Christmas films. I do recall watching on Netflix, Single All The Way, and I did think it was cute but I’d be hard-pressed to consider it a favorite – although I will admit I loved Jennifer Coolidge in this movie.

Do you have any favorite Christmas films? Can you suggest any queer-themed films? I’d love to put them on in the evening and watch films that have been recommended.

3 responses to “Some of my favorite Christmas movies

  1. Me gustaban mucho los especiales de Navidad de Disney


  2. ¡¡DUMBO!!


  3. My favorite is Christmas in Connecticut, though I also love White Christmas.

