Men of Twitter

Each Monday I blog about profiles of men on Twitter who catch my eye and whom I think you may enjoy following. As always, suggestions for profiles to feature are welcome. If you’d like to follow me on twitter, you can find me @BosGuy. You can find me talking about these men on Twitter by searching the #MenOfTwitter hash mark.

This week’s Men of Twitter has a New York City theme – enjoy.

AndrewRannells – Originally from the cornfields of Nebraska, Andrew  may not be a household name but this talented Broadway actor currently starring in The Book of Mormon, is worth the follow. Aside from his obvious talents he’s quite funny. In a recent Tweet Andrew lamented “American Apparel must be stopped. They are selling COSTUMES as legitimate clothing and making assholes of millions of young women.” Couldn’t agree with you more Andrew.

Sicilian40 – A.K.A. Jim is a native New Yorker. This Twitter addict can rattle off a string of naughty Tweets in a New York minute. Though we’ve yet to meet, we both love Provincetown, and we hope to connect this summer. Aside from his summers in Ptown, musical theater is a passion and escape for Jim. Keep Jim in your thoughts. He’s an only child coming to terms with the fact that his parents are aging and his father has significant health issues.

*Note: not sure why Jim’s link may not connect but you can find Jim on Twitter by typing in his handle. He has a locked profile which may be why some of you may have trouble connecting initially.

If so inclined, leave these guys a nice comment and start following on Twitter.

2 responses to “Men of Twitter

  1. I love this weekly post. I’m not on Twitter but these posts always tempt me to join.


  2. I ❤ Andrew Rannells….and The Book of Mormon (the musical, that is).
    He's so funny and has a great voice. Excellent choice for this week. 🙂

