Columbus Day

COLOMBUS-DAY-APPLE-MAPSColumbus Day is one of those pseudo holidays here in the US celebrated mostly by schools, banks and non-profits.  Having said that, in Boston it can feel like you are the only one working.

Are you working today?

5 responses to “Columbus Day

  1. I took the day off to spend with my son. Lunch and a movie, good times. 🙂


  2. Nope! We get the day off. It’s funny – the place I currently work for has some interesting traits in common with my last full time position. One of them, Bagel Friday is there. But then there is at least one other at this company that worked at my former full time place. So I bet he suggested it.


  3. When you are a realtor there really aren’t any ‘holidays’ or ‘weekends’ for that matter. 🙂


  4. i am working today and have on columbus day for years. when i was in grad school, it was not one of the holidays that the university took as i recall. now living in alaska, we don’t celebrate columbus day but have a holiday next week instead, i believe.

