BosGuy brain teaser

Each Friday morning I post a riddle or brain teaser.  The idea is to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain.

Share this with friends or coworkers if you cannot figure out the answer.

Post your answers in the comments section and I’ll confirm the correct responses after lunch to give everyone a fair chance.

This week’s brainteaser:  There is a single word that goes with each of the three words listed below that will form a compound word (or word pair that functions as a compound word).  Share your answer.BosGuy Riddle

Past Brain Teasers

13 responses to “BosGuy brain teaser

  1. I thought: hand, cheese, red.

    Would never have gotten flash!


  2. Hand, Cheese, Flash


  3. hand cheese flash


  4. 1 is hand
    2 is cheese
    3 is ???


  5. Series one: hand
    Series two: cheese
    Series three: ?


  6. hand-made; hand-cuff; left-hand
    blue-cheese; cheese-cake; cottage-cheese
    trumped on the third set

