Category Archives: Brain teaser

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle:

I’m always on the last day of the year,
A fun time – meant to bring cheer.
Celebrate me with your family and friends.
Before this year ends.

What am I?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: What is every parent’s favorite Christmas carol?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: When Santa told his doctor he was having trouble walking what did his doctor give him to make sure he can walk around and deliver all those presents?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: What do you call a reindeer with no eyes?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: What is a snowman’s favorite dessert?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle:

I am a thing that wishes are made of.
Two will vie, but only one gets a wish.
What am I?

Here is a hint, I am found at many Thanksgiving Dinner tables.

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: What is always coming but never arrives?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: What has a neck without a head, and two arms without hands?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: I am a fruit. If you take away my first letter, I am a crime. If you take away my first two letters, I am an animal. If you take away my first and last letter, I am a type of music. What am I?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle:

With pointed fangs, I sit and wait – With piercing force, I dole out fate.
Over bloodless victims I proclaim my might – I can eternally join with a single bite.
What am I?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: A priceless 6′ mirror with a silver frame is stolen from a haunted house. The top three suspects are a werewolf, a vampire, and a witch. Who stole the mirror? Explain.

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: A zombie, a mummy, and a ghost bought a house. It has all the usual rooms except one. What room won’t you find?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: How do you spell candy in 2 letters?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: If you’ve got it, you’ll want to share it but once you’ve shared it, you haven’t kept it. What is it?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.

BosGuy brain teaser

riddle, exercise for your brain

Each Friday morning I post a riddle to get you to think outside the box and exercise your brain. If you are stumped, share it with a friend or colleague and see if you can figure out the answer together. Leave your guess in the comment section.

This week’s riddle: How far can you run into the woods?

I’ll approve responses later in the day to allow people to respond without seeing any spoilers.

Like riddles? Check out past week’s brain teasers.