The men of The W Vieques

Men of W ViequesFor those who also follow me on Twitter, you would have received intermittent commentary and images that included everything from the spectacular ocean views to the equally spectacular men who caught my eye.  To be fair, most guests did not bear any resemblance to my two favorites — appropriately referred to on Twitter as #SexyMarriedGuy (top left) and #HandsomeStraightGuy (top right), but that was fine because I would’ve developed a complex faster than a 13 year old can recite lyrics to Justin Bieber’s song As long as you love me if everyone there looked like this.

Which are you partial to – #SexyMarriedGuy or #HandsomeStraightGuy?

4 responses to “The men of The W Vieques

  1. Handsome straight guy. Got a thing for the dark Mediterranean look.


  2. HandsomeStraightGuy. Of course.


  3. HandsomeStraightGuy is my type! Wish his trunks were riding just a bit lower…


  4. #handsomestraightguy although #sexymarriedguy looks filthy

