Boston Santa Speedo Run

The much talked about Boston Santa Speedo Run will take place one week from today.  This fun(ny) 1-mile run through Boston’s trendy Back Bay neighborhood in December earns a lot of laughs for both spectators and runners. It has also become an unofficial tradition of yours truly to go down and watch these crazy runners warm up and run down Boylston Street so be sure to check back late Saturday afternoon after I post my 2011 video of the Santa Speedo Run.  In the interim, check out the video I created from last year’s run.

The 2011 charity benefiting from the funds raised in this years race will be Play Ball foundation.  If you’d like to learn more about this annual run which is now replicated in cities across the US and Canada, you can visit here.

8 responses to “Boston Santa Speedo Run

  1. How does one register?


    • Registration for this fund raiser is now closed. This typically only remains open for a few hours due to the overwhelming interest. If you are interested in running in next year’s race, the best bet is probably to Like / Friend them on FB. Registration usually opens in Nov. I believe.


  2. I will, if you promise to buy me a speedo for Christmas! And then I can look for a guy to model it for me!


  3. Damn, you were supposed to call me, pal!
    What happened?


  4. Dwight Supremacy

    Can’t wait for the coverage from this year’s run!


  5. And how cold was it? What was the actual temperature these brave souls had to endure?


