Fitness update

FitnessI’ve been quiet lately about my personal fitness regimen, but I feel like I’m making some personal gains at the gym thanks to the work I’m doing with my trainer, Kris.

Starting in mid-February we decided we’d try to increase my weights and drop my reps to help change things up and create a more intense workout.  Without a doubt, the change in the workout is showing improvement.  I can feel my back muscles in the days that follow my workouts in a way I have not previously.  It is up to me to get in a few extra sessions at the gym to push my cardio and I need to make better choices in the evening by curtailing how much I eat and opting for healthy alternatives when I’m snacking late at night.  However, with spring now around the corner, I feel pretty good about the progress I’m making. How are you doing? Hopefully with warmer weather now being forecast you can come out of your semi-hibernative state of mind and join me at the gym or shoot me an email / comment to let me know how you are doing.

The first day of spring officially starts two weeks from today.

3 responses to “Fitness update

  1. My challenge is the wine/cocktails in the eves… How to curtail them to keep the calories off? Open to suggestions…


    • Ugh… I hear you. I have no plausible suggestion and struggle with the same thing.


      • LOL… Like tonight… Freezing cold outside, snow on the way… And the best thing I can think of is a good, hearty meal, with a cocktail and red wine… And a good movie on the tube. How does one compromise on this one?

