Destination Boston

snow, handsome, hunk, snowman, shirtless guy, winterAfter spending two weeks in sunny, warm Brazil today Sergio and I arrived back in Boston a few hours ago.  When we left in mid December, Boston’s weather was eerily mild – in the low 60s – but today’s temperatures are 25-30  degrees cooler.

While the weather has been relatively mild to date for Boston, it is always this month, January, that tests my limits because of how much winter lies ahead of us, the low temperatures and dry air as well as the inevitable snowfall.

Maybe I wouldn’t mind the snow and cold in January so much if I saw more sights like this along the streets in the South End.


One response to “Destination Boston

  1. I am pretty good with winter until right around mid-February. Winter is still fresh and new for me in January. But by mid-February, I’m reaching a breaking point – especially because March extends New England winters another four weeks.

