Better Said Than Done by storyteller John Kevin Boggs

Much thanks to @PoachedBoston on Twitter for suggesting I listen to Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast.  At the end of the first episode I listened to they gave a shout out to John Kevin Boggs who recently passed away.  Kevin Boggs (as they referred to him) shares a touching story in the video above that left me a bit teary eyed.  Having said that, the six minute video will make you laugh out loud. He is that rare individual who can weave humor into any story.

One response to “Better Said Than Done by storyteller John Kevin Boggs

  1. My Mom in Law and I viewed this while eating breakfast this morning. Her attention span widened enough to watch the whole thing. Afterwards, I realized we were eating our waffles without syrup. Thanks, we read your blog with waffles every Friday morning.

