Starting our South American adventure

Sergio and Rob, gay travel, flying, travelSergio and I flew down to South America this past weekend. We are about to begin quite an adventure traveling to Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil over the next few weeks. While traveling, my weekly posts about “What’s Happening” and “What to do this weekend” will be temporarily suspended until the New Year.

While traveling I plan to regularly post on Instagram so if you don’t already follow me, please do. Through my posts on Instagram you can join us as we visit Mendoza, Cordoba and Buenos Aires in Argentina, Colonia del Sacramento and Puente del Este in Uruguay and finally Belo Horizonte and Sao Paulo Brazil.

Follow me and my travels on Instagram at @bosguyblog

2 responses to “Starting our South American adventure

  1. Have a lovely time!!!! A friend and I did Argentina about 3 years ago…one of the best trips and most beautiful cities ever!!!!!! We also did a trip to Uruguay to Colonia del Sacramento which was incredible to see and experience, if you get the chance. Hope you guys have a blast. I’m ready to go back.

