Vintage gay

As you can see, I’m mixing things up a bit with this week’s Vintage Gay post. I follow an art blog (you can see it in my blogroll) called ultrawolvesunderthefullmoon and the artwork of this Japanese artist caught my attention. In the images above and below I see gay men from the 1980s. Their clothing, preppy haircuts, and cleancut look scream 1980s to me.

Ben Kimura (木村べん) b. 1947 – d. 2003 was a Japanese gay erotic artist who along with George Takeuchi and Sadao Hasegawa, is noted as a central figure in the second wave of contemporary gay artists that emerged in Japan in the 1970s.

You can learn more about this artist and see some more of his work here.

Previous Vintage Gay Photos

One response to “Vintage gay

  1. Amo ese estilo de los 80 y lógicamente amo a los modelos que han posado para estos bellos cuadros

