Vintage gay

This week’s photo which was sent to me by Mike in New York, looks like a community shower shot from a bathhouse. It is nearly impossible to date photos like these with so little clothing but I’ll guess the 1960s 70s based on the beard and hairstyle.

Previous Vintage Gay Photos

3 responses to “Vintage gay

  1. Me encanta el culo del chico de la izquierda


  2. The guy with the beard is Boyd Winner. His companion is Zach. These pics come from “Dart” #2, a Target Publication, (originally sold for $6 in 1975) and were taken at Man’s Country Baths, 28 West 15th St., New York City. Ah, the good old days.


  3. Man’s Country NYC 15th St (70’s to early 80’s)had a shower exactly like that. It had a legit membership gym on the top floor. It was a themed bath house. One floor had a nearly full sized replica of a 16 wheel truck with an open back. Theme decorated rooms…jail cell, Plaza Hotel etc…but only this one shower that gym members shared with bath goers.

