2012 Atlantis Caribbean Cruise on the Allure

I’ve recently returned from my first cruise.  There were eight of us in total who joined thousands of gay men from around the world for the Atlantis seven day cruise through the Western Caribbean.

Perhaps you’re curious to see what one of these cruises is like. It’s impossible to capture everything – there is too much to see and do, but here is a quick 5 minute video of my take on the 2012 Atlantis Caribbean Cruise aboard Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas.

7 responses to “2012 Atlantis Caribbean Cruise on the Allure

  1. I don’t understand this question: “Not a Broadway queen?”


  2. Help to contact anyone on the Allure of the Seas when a 30 year old Iirish man of 30 years was seen falling into the ocean going into the port of cazumel on friday 3rd Feb,2012. Did you meet him and talk to him at anytime while cruising, His name was Kenny or Kenneth gemmell from bailieboro in County cavan Ireland. His family are devestated. my email is ; michael@mhynes.com


  3. Awesome video, BosGuy! Looks like a blast — a much more intense t-dance than the one i’m used to at The Boat Slip!!


  4. Just an FYI.. 🙂 its RICHfield not RIDGEfield as in Miss Richfield (MN)…


  5. I would be so self conscience on a cruise like that… Although it looked like alot of fun, I have been on several (regular) cruises and have ALL been very accepting and inclusive of all… Perhaps even more so us gays (as many women like to hang with us)… Just sayin’


  6. Glad you made it home safely! Not sure if you heard, but a man fell over board on one of those cruises in the Caribean . . .I was like “OMG, not BosGuy!!”


    • Oh yes, the entire ship had to follow the emergency procedure they go over on the first day. But for the tragic nature of events, the emergency was quite a spectacle with all the party boys half-asleep shuffling to their respective meeting places less than an hour after most had crashed from an entire night of revelry.

