Boston ranked one of America’s snobbiest cities

SnobbyI place no credence in unscientific surveys, but I do find them a lot of fun to read so of course I enjoyed Travel and Leisure’s recent survey that found Boston the third snobbiest city in the US.

Placing Boston after San Francisco (ranked the snobbiest city in America) and New York City, the magazine said visitors may “detect a certain air of superiority”.  Oy vey, that can be so true! Fortunately, I’ve found a great group of friends who don’t take themselves too seriously and are warm and friendly.  My hunch is there is a direct correlation to the wealth of a city and the “snob” level of a city.

You can see the full list of “Snobby Cities” here.

4 responses to “Boston ranked one of America’s snobbiest cities

  1. Do the Lodges still only speak to the Cabots? And do the Cabots still only speak to God? 😉


  2. What?!? Washington out-snobbed my MPLS/St. Paul?!? For real? Providence, RI?


  3. Woo hoo! We’re number three!

    Of course part of this is because we score so high intellectually. It’s not our fault other cities don’t score high in the smarts department: we value our aesthetics, brains , appreciation for the arts and … OH! Housewives of New Jersey marathon on! Igottagobye!

