Two years ago today Obama said…

marriage equalityAnd that was a game changer.  The LGBT community no longer had to justify their intentions to make marriage equality part of the national agenda; not just something to be discussed in a handful of progressive states.  Public opinion everywhere shifted (and quickly) within days. More importantly the African American community for the first time united behind the concept that the right to marry is a civil right (Obama’s endorsement unites black and gay communities).

After President Obama shared what was essentially a personal opinion, it changed everything (at least for me).  Obama set a standard that all future Presidential nominees will now be found wanting if they don’t support marriage equality. Thank you President Obama (President Obama support for same sex marriage is a game changer).

Don’t believe me? A 2014 Washington Post/ABC News poll shows 59% of voters nationwide support the freedom to marry and 50% or more of Americans in every region of the country support the freedom to marry.
