How are you doing?

Although my blog’s focus is on LGBTQ life in Boston and Provincetown and is filled with visuals – specifically of the handsome male variety, I can’t help but pause momentarily to check-in and ask, “How are you doing?”

I ask in part because I’ve been struggling and not finding much of a respite. Pressures from work compounded by a pandemic, a steady stream of videos of police brutality, and belligerent posturing from our Divider-in-Chief has taken a toll on me and my usually cheery disposition. I figured if someone who looks like me and has led a fairly charmed life thus far is having a rough go, it’s hard to imagine the mental frame of mind for marginalized communities, those who are alone, without a strong support system or have a history of struggling with emotions and feelings of depression and anxiety.

I’d encourage everyone to reach out to friends and family to talk and check-in. In reaching out, I’ve found out that several close connections are struggling. In this age of group Zoom chats, texts and social media posting, it is good to remember that a one-on-one phone conversation can be both healing and helpful so to borrow a line from this 80s AT&T commercial, reach out and touch someone.

For anyone feeling alone or isolated, remember there are a lot of really wonderful people out there and organizations like the Samaritans with trained volunteers standing by should you want to talk but feel like you have nobody to turn to at this time.

14 responses to “How are you doing?

  1. 20-something year old


    When I first moved here four years ago your blog post gave me so many outlets and options to meet other people both out and within the lgbtq community. It was and is incredibly helpful and Im so glad you didn’t stop posting.

    I’m now in my mid-20s (yes, I’m very old) and because I don’t look like you nor lead a “charmed life” PLUS with whats happening with sars-cov-2 and police brutality I am even more appreciative of your blogs. Even though I’m positive I’ll never meet you your website has truly been a life saver for me as black gay; *especially* now as I continue to still try my hardest to find my place here. I wouldn’t have lasted in this city for as long as I did without this unsung support/resources from your blog.

    Thank you very much for your words of support especially during these uncertain times. There aren’t even words to show my appreciation.

    20-something year old


    • Wow. I’m so touched and appreciate your kind words. At the moment, meeting anyone seems impossible, but I’d enjoy connecting if you’re open to it. I always like to meet people and hear their stories. You can always reach out on my blog or you can email me at


  2. Thank you. I am relatively new to your blog but I want you to know I look forward to your daily emails especially during this difficult time. Stay kind and stay healthy. You matter



  3. Paul Daigneault

    Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you and this email. We don’t know each other well, but your care for others is so evident. It does not go unnoticed. XO


    Paul Daigneault – he/him/his Producing Artistic Director

    Announcing Our 30th Anniversary Season! SLAVE PLAY | DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED ONCE ON THIS ISLAND | OCT 23 – NOV 21, 2020 PEOPLE, PLACES & THINGS | JAN 8 – FEB 6, 2021 BRIGHT STAR | FEB 27 – MAR 26, 2021 THE INHERITANCE | APR 30 – JUN 20, 2021



  4. It’s kindness and concern for others that always brighten the day. Thanks for some more sunshine.


  5. The nightly death count is hard to watch, listen to or read about, whether from violence or COVID. I do keep in touch with friends and relatives by email, phone and Zoom, but there is unfortunately no substitute for a hug, and since I work out in the water and sing in choirs, there are no activities to keep me active, and probably won’t be for at least a year, it’s hard to be upbeat.
    Thank you for being there. I look forward to your posts each day.


  6. we are fortunate to have you looking out for us.


  7. Walking The Dog

    A couple of weeks ago I realized I needed to step away from the internet to save my sanity. That’s when I hit my breaking point and felt like the world was spinning out of control and collapsing around me. I got laid off before the pandemic, and with nothing to do since then, it has been way too easy to fall down the internet rabbit hole, reading multiple news and opinion pieces from dozens of sites for hours and hours on end. It’s tougher than I thought because it is so easy to “quickly check the headlines” and get sucked into news or opinions about the latest atrocity. Hang in there everyone and good luck.


  8. Bravo. Glad you’ve brought this topic out in the open.


  9. one day at a time for all of us Thanks for sharing
    Your concern for others is a great trait


  10. Well said and thank you. We will get through this.
    Stay well and safe.
    Mark J Powers


  11. This is such a timely post.

    I am experiencing my first depressive episode in many years. The compound/stacking effect of everything is proving to be a mountain and not a mole hill. I have support and meds. And yet I find it hard to get every day started.
    Thank you for posting this.


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